What makes natural teeth look so natural?
Look at someone in their late twenties or thirties with very
good teeth of their own and observe them when they turn
their head. You'll see that the upper front teeth are not all
the same colour and translucency. The laterals are lighter
and more translucent than the centrals and the canines are
darker than either.
Look again at the centrals and you may see two very slight
fingers of translucency, or mamelons, coming off the incisal
edge. These beautiful and subtle effects, formed during
development break up the light and add character to the
natural teeth. Frequently the necks of the teeth or the
central lobes are darker and their effect changes as the
person turns their head.
The untrained eye does not consciously register this
amount of detail. However when it sees someone with
dentures the brain registers that something is missing.
The incorporation of this detail is what makes an Enigma
denture the true cosmetic option.
How Enigma Teeth capture this natural look
It took more than five years to develop the teeth behind the
Enigma System a range of teeth that means that nowadays
denture-wearing can be a secret shared only between
clinician and patient. Enigma Teeth not only reproduce the
wide range of shades, translucencies and vitality of natural
teeth but also assure exceptional strength and durability in
the mouth.
Enigma Teeth have been developed to mimic the
appearance of natural teeth where the different crystal
structure of the enamel gives depth to the tooth. Enigma
Teeth have a similar structure with the darker dentine
covered by an opalescent enamel layer. The blue white
opalescence reproduces the effect of that different
crystalline structure and adds depth to the tooth.
Natural teeth brighten in strong sunshine and are still
white under disco lighting. Many artificial teeth only do
this weakly but the Enigma enamel fluoresces blue-white to
mimic nature.
Natural teeth seem to subtly change as the head moves.
Enigma Teeth mimic this effect through mimicking natural
developmental features found in nature. The slight
translucent fingers of mamelons are visible near the incisal
edges and small subtle demineralisation points can just be
seen in different positions in one or two teeth in each set.
The centre of the tooth contains a darker dentine with a
varying thickness of enamel over the top. Reproducing
nature's effects.
This picture shows some of the ways in which Enigma
Teeth mimic nature and so enable you to provide the most
cosmetic dentures available for your patient.